India’s Got Latent has been under fire after a contestant made fun of Deepika Padukone’s depression. Comedian Samay Raina, also one of the judges faced social media backlash over his casual reaction to the joke. Now the same participant poked fun at the Kolkata rape-murder case, another sensitive issue.
She cooked the whole community.
— Harry (@harryyshitpost) November 18, 2024
Netizens have been furious at Bunty Banerjee for joking about the heinous rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. In a viral video she can be heard saying, “Whenever there’s a tense situation, the Bengali in me sleeps and Bihari wakes up.”
According to reports, the standup comedian revealed that she is a Bengali, born and brought up in Bihar. She went on to add, “Any Bengalis in the house,” adding, “See, sab so rahe hain. Nahi. Thak gaye honge na candle march karte karte (Bengalis are sleeping! Let them. Must be tried by holding candle march protests).”
SEE ALSO: Standup Comedian’s Joke About Deepika Padukone Getting Real Depression On India’s Got Latent Receives Flak; Watch
So this lady, claiming to be a comedian, at one point of her show,mocks depression and at another point ,ridicules Bengalis for holding candlelight marches to protest heinous crimes. It’s appalling that people think such cringeworthy behavior deserves applause. The joke’s on…
— 𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓪𝓻 (@yansan) November 19, 2024
Insensitivity aside, the joke (if it was a joke) was so lame.
Are the judges laughing with her? Or laughing at her?
— দৈনিক কালকেতু (@Dainik_Kalketu) November 19, 2024
While the joke had the panel burst into laughter, it didn’t go well on social media. Bunty was called out for making fun of a serious matter which led to protests across the nation.
An X user shared the video and wrote, “She cooked the whole community.” But another schooled the OG tweet saying, “It’s not called cooking, It’s called being a woke person who just wants to go with the flow. The same candle march that the Bengalis do, is for protecting women only. If God forbids, something happen to her, we will be the ones to rise and protest in favour of her to get justice.”
Another reacted to the video and called it insensitive and said, “the joke (if it was a joke) was so lame. Are the judges laughing with her? Or laughing at her?”
After 3 months for continuously fighting on streets, rallies, hunger strikes, torch rallies, cycle rallies, candle marches. After seeing the crying faces of the victim’s parents, after days and days of fighting and screaming, this “joke” feels very insensitive and demeaning.
— Dr. Anusmita Mukherjee (@anusmita2000) November 19, 2024
Insensitivity aside, the joke (if it was a joke) was so lame.
Are the judges laughing with her? Or laughing at her?
— দৈনিক কালকেতু (@Dainik_Kalketu) November 19, 2024
One user added, “So this lady, claiming to be a comedian, at one point of her show, mocks depression and at another point, ridicules Bengalis for holding candlelight marches to protest heinous crimes. It’s appalling that people think such cringeworthy behavior deserves applause. The joke’s on them.”
As if mocking depression wasn’t enough, this is new low
— Van | Metavee Apologist (@_VanMiho_) November 19, 2024
Cover Image: Twitter